Use "it is so kind of you to|it be so kind of you to" in a sentence

1. Would you be so kind as to lock the door when you leave?

2. So you have that kind of courage?

3. Amable adj kind, nice es usted muy Amable you are very kind si es tan Amable if you would be so kind ser Amable con algn to be kind to sb, be nice to sb ¡qué Amable ha sido usted trayéndolo! how kind of you to bring it! ¡muy Amable! thanks very much, that's very kind, that's very kind of you sea tan Amable (como para), si es tan Amable (como para) (LAm) please be so kind as to

4. Would you be so kind to cancel my meetings the rest of the day?

5. Will you be so kind as to present me to the head of the harbour superintendence?

6. So you just take that same notion to kind of a macro level.

7. It's just kind of -- you just have to learn it.

8. You made it a kind of fable.

9. It is clever of you to do so.

10. Mister W., would you be so kind as to remove any firearms from your person?

11. 'Che Lam' is a kind of Vietnamese sweetened porridge. It is so sticky, fragrant, tasty, sweet that you will not fed up with it.

12. I wish you would be so kind as to bear with him a little longer.

13. You could, kind of, see them in your rear- view mirror, so it created a tiny human interaction.

14. You could, kind of, see them in your rear-view mirror, so it created a tiny human interaction.

15. That new form you have... It kind of suits you

16. So the idea is you step into a kind of a magic light.

17. So we just kind of said, "You wanna get some boards?"

18. So, about the worst kind of breast cancer you can get.

19. And can you do it kind of soon?

20. Ther supposed to be some kind of lever that we need to pull so some kind of bridge appeared

21. I'm, like, a " hit it, continue to hit it both physically and emotionally " kind of guy, so...

22. So these things are kind of relative to where you or your ancestors happen to stand.

23. So that's going to be a standard kind of utility function.

24. So one thing we have for that is like a grid align, kind of -- so you get that more traditional desktop. Things are kind of grid aligned.

25. It appears to be some kind of aphrodisiac.

26. It is a pretty hearty kind of Curry, so expect getting a food coma.

27. Really, it was too bad of you to be so late.

28. And it was like a lot of you, kind of a prosaic example, kind of trite.

29. The snake makes it wriggle so that the apparently disembodied filament appears to be some kind of succulent worm.

30. So whatever kind of snacker you are, there’s a Balanced Breaks® snack for you

31. So it kind of cooled my test-driving for a little while.

32. You kind of dissect it and write grammar stuff.

33. You ought to be careful about this kind of feverish cold, it often kicks back when you think you are better.

34. I'm just kind of... rolling through it, you know?

35. It could well be that you have agoraphobia or some kind of depression.

36. It uses a kind of a Morse code for the Internet so you could send it optically; you can communicate acoustically through a power line, through RF.

37. Mr. Moguy, would you be so kind as to collect the pistol hanging off these boys'hips here?

38. To Aerate your yard, start by figuring out what kind of grass you have and when it grows the most, so you can Aerate right before then

39. To be honest, you kind of smell like ash.

40. Straight pasta is very bland - you need some kind of sauce to make it interesting.

41. To be honest, you kind of smell like ash

42. So I kind of switched.

43. Nor is it intended to be any kind of technological treatise.

44. And you have to break this kind of negative cycle before it begins.

45. So it behoves you to be wary when planting.

46. Just so you know, you're kind of the focal point of my first piece.

47. You know the kind of energy you have to expend to be that?

48. So while you were there , you didn't get into any kind of physical altercation with her.

49. It was very kind of you to accommodate us withthe tickets of our journey.

50. CA: And so you could actually picture, what kind of length tunnel is in Elon's future to running Hyperloop?

51. Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind .

52. It will be so funny when I explain it to you guys.

53. Awesomesauce Photography's reply: Thank you so much for your kind words

54. So, what kind of person is Willow Bay?

55. It kind of makes you wish you had signed up for the submarines?

56. Do you think it would be fair to view this kind of contradiction as a form of "institutionalised" racism?

57. Now you laugh, but that quote has kind of a sting to it, right?

58. Why is it that so many mothers and fathers experience parenthood as a kind of crisis?

59. Sam, whatever kind of intervention you think this is, trust me, it ain't.

60. Would it be presumptuous of me to ask why you are so miserable?

61. What kind of world power would it wish to be?

62. You know, we kind of got of to a bad start yesterday and I wanted to make it up to you.

63. But of course, you aren't out to trap me into matrimony, so it is easier for you to be frank.

64. What Kind of Vessel Will You Be?

65. I guess it's been kind of rough on you, hasn't it?

66. This kind of feverish cold is slow to cure; it often kicks back just when you think you are better.

67. To have the kind of tropical rainforest you want, you needed to have the right kind of jungle dirt.

68. But if you ask the right kind of question, or you work it in the right kind of way, interesting things can emerge.

69. So it seems that even mere rumors of this kind of breakthrough could cause our species to go berserk.

70. You know, a gun to your head makes it harder to do this kind of work.

71. So who would go to such kind of marriage ceremony!

72. So, you went to a community college, is it?

73. It was so brave of you.

74. 'Comply to', when it is used, is followed by official documents of some kind: Comply to a standard, regulations, guidelines, and so on

75. So, a kind of a voyage is being planned.

76. You can make it a quartic equation. Make it kind of harder, calculating-wise.

77. So I'm saying this is kind of a distraction.

78. 16 You may not care for this kind of decoration at first, but as you get used to it, you will find it grows on you.

79. So, that's why I know better than anyone why you made this kind of decision.

80. How was it for you to immerge yourself in this totally different kind of movie?